Tablet Command can integrate with ANY Computer Aided Dispatch system using a multitude of strategies from capturing file exports, database queries, or for the most robust and real-time solution, against a CAD vendor’s API (Application Programming Interface). Tablet Command integration engineers have vast experience in Public Safety Communication Centers and networks. We understand the unique requirements of the environment and the need to provide agile, mission critical solutions for the public safety community we serve.
The Tablet Command integration team will work with one of your IT specialists or CAD Vendor to install a lightweight application that resides inside your local network. The interface application can reside on the CAD local network or if preferred, in a local DMZ that has the ability to query the necessary resources. The interface application communicates over outbound port 443 to This strategy alleviates the need for complex VPN or other network access controls; there is less to configure and less to fail.
Data required for integration are:
Incident details including incident number, address, call type, lat/long, comments, call creation time, units assigned and associated time stamps for status updates.
Additional Data:
Vehicle Location Data, Caller Number, Radio Channels, Cross Streets, Premise Hazard, Map Page
Staffing - current roster of personnel on-duty.
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